Welcome to Loop Verse!

Your destination to hone your programming skills!

Loop Verse offers a complete suite of tools to help you learn Looping Statements in C. Ranging from AI-powered Debugger tool, and Trivia Question Bot, it offers a sophisticated visualizer tool using PythonTutor to clearly visualize the loop iterations and code. In addition, the Match Tiles game and AR Quizventure Instagram filter turn learning into a fun and enjoyable activity. Take a deep breath and dive into the world of Looping!

  • AI Debugger
  • AI powered tool to solve all your programming related doubts and debug errenous code.

  • Visualizer
  • Creative tool to visualize the sequence of execution of programs and understand the working of Loops.

  • Trivia Bot
  • AI powered tool that generates questions dynamically and verifies user's answer with explanation.

  • Match Tiles
  • Matching the Tiles is a fun and engaging way to test your knowledge, learn and improve memory power.

  • AR Quizventure
  • AR powered quizzing tool that merges your reality with virtuality to make quizzing as fun and enjoyable as nodding your head.